expanded glass granulate
Life Cycle Transition
About the Product

Expanded glass granulate is produced from secondary mineral raw materials. It consists of waste glass, which is first ground and then sintered in a blowing kiln at 750°C to 900°C. The result is a product with high compression strength at low weight. This creates excellent heat and cold insulation, which is weather-resistant and biologically unassailable.
The expanded glass granulate is used as loose filling, as non-pressure loadable thermal insulation between beam ceilings and in cavities and as compacted, pressure loadable fill in closed, vertical cavities of walls. In addition, it serves as a cement-bonded levelling fill and as a synthetic resin-bonded and thus waterproof levelling mortar for temporary construction sites. The product Liaver Blähglasgranulat is available in six different grain sizes (0.1–8 mm size).
The product is made of recycled material and can be reused in case of a previous application as loose filling.
Manufacturer: Liaver GmbH & Co KG